Agilent – Time of Flight (TOF) LC/MS – 6200 Series, 6230B

    Extensive Portfolio of LC/MS Instruments

    Agilent’s portfolio of LC/MS instruments takes the versatility of HPLC separation to another level with the sensitivity and specificity of mass spectrometry.

    Add easy-to-use mass selective detection to your HPLC analyses with single quadrupole (SQ) LC/MSD. Achieve quantitative precision with triple quadrupole (TQ) systems that break sensitivity and size barriers. Go untargeted and see more while identifying unknowns using time-of-flight (TOF/Q-TOF) technology that delivers simultaneous accuracy, speed, and isotopic fidelity. The reliable family of Agilent LC/MS instruments provides a range of capability and performance to solve any LC/MS analysis challenge.

    Available Models

    The Agilent 6230B TOF LC/MS system provides accurate mass analyses for a variety of analytical applications including profiling, identification, characterization, and quantification of both small and large molecules. Together with advanced accurate mass software processing tools the 6230B supports applications including drug development, toxicology, and the analysis of recombinant proteins.

    The TOF LC/MS system also supports MS/MS applications by using fragments formed in the desolvation region of the ion source. Using Agilent’s All Ions MS/MS software the TOF system enables compound identification by matching fragmentation patterns with an Agilent MS/MS library. Typical All Ions applications include toxicology analysis with an Agilent Personal Compound Library of 2,500 compounds and veterinary drug analysis using a library of over 600 compounds.

    Key Features

    • Reduce false positives with better than 1 ppm mass accuracy
    • Acquire data at 30 spectra per second to ensure excellent data quality for fast UHPLC peaks in high-throughput workflows
    • Confidently identify small molecules based on accurate mass and isotopic abundance and chemical composition using Find by Formula in MassHunter software.
    • Separate target compounds from interferences with mass resolution of greater than 22,000
    • Find impurities at extremely low concentrations – Agilent Jet Stream technology provides low picogram on-column sensitivity
    • Identify trace level target compounds – in the presence of more abundant matrix compound – with up to 5 orders of in spectrum dynamic range
    • Intuitive “walk-up” software makes the 6230B an ideal analytical tool for medicinal and synthetic chemists as well as biologists.
    • New All Ions MS/MS Technique for Targeted and Untargeted Screening on TOF and Q-TOF LC/MS

    The Agilent 6230B Time-of-Flight LC/MS system delivers full-spectrum, high-resolution, accurate-mass data for screening, profiling and identifying small molecules, large biologic compounds, and everything in between.

    Key Features

    • Reduce false positives with better than 1 ppm mass accuracy.
    • Ensure excellent data quality even for fast UHPLC peaks in high-throughput workflows with data acquisition rates up to 44 spectra/second.
    • Identify compounds based on accurate mass, isotopic abundance, and chemical composition using Find by Formula in MassHunter software.
    • Characterize large biologic compounds with a broad mass range of up to 20,000 m/z.
    • Separate target compounds from interferences with high-resolution data.
    • Find impurities at extremely low concentrations, using Agilent Jet Stream technology with low picogram on-column sensitivity.
    • Identify trace-level target compounds in the presence of more abundant matrix compounds with up to five orders of in-spectrum dynamic range.
    • Reduce administrative tasks and risks while eliminating the need for LC/MS expertise with intuitive MassHunter Walkupsoftware.
    • Perform untargeted screening with the selectivity of MS/MS data using Agilent’s All Ions MS/MS technique.
    • Go beyond UHPLC separation with support for capillary electrophoresis, SFC, 2D-LC, and even GC-APCI chromatographic interfaces.

    Key Industries

    • Aerospace
    • Agriculture
    • Automotive
    • Biopharmaceutical and Biotechnology
    • Chemical
    • Construction
    • Cosmetics & Personal Care
    • Defense
    • Die & Mould
    • Education & Academics
    • Electronics
    • Energy
    • Environmental
    • Food & Beverage
    • Luxury
    • Machinery & Manufacturing
    • Medical
    • Mining & Minerals
    • Oil & Gas
    • Optical
    • Paper & Wood
    • Pharmaceutical
    • Polymers, Plastics and Rubbers
    • Powders & Pigments / Coating
    • Railway
    • Semiconductor, Solar & Electronics
    • Service
    • Textile
    • Wholesale & Retail


    Agilent Technologies

    Agilent is a leader in life sciences, diagnostics and applied chemical markets. The company provides laboratories worldwide with instruments, services, consumables, applications and expertise, enabling customers to gain the insights they seek. Agilent’s expertise and trusted collaboration give them the highest confidence in our solutions.

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